

Click here to download a complete list of school uniform with details on where to buy everything.

Horncastles have an online shop https://www.horncastles.co.uk/. They have waived delivery charges or alternatively there is also a click and collect service.


To save time and money and to reduce lost property the school asks for all clothing and personal items to be labelled. The PTA has teamed up with Stikins who give the school 30% commission on every order. Their labels are very robust and can be stuck onto the wash-care label of clothing and fabric items or directly onto bags, shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles, books, stationery, P.E. kits, musical instruments and much, much more.


Click here to order Stikins name labels (remember to quote the school reference number 20359) and support our fundraising efforts for equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities. 


Top tip - if you personalise your labels with your surname and a contact phone number then they can be used by the whole family and any lost property has a much higher chance of being reunited with you even if lost outside of school.