We are a Registered Charity dedicated to raising money to enhance school facilities. Budgets are so tight that the school is becoming more reliant on PTA funds to enhance the children's learning.
We also support the school in any way we can and arrange fun events for the kids, parents and teachers. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do.
Who we are
Every parent who has a pupil at St Lawrence is automatically part of the Parent Teachers Association for the school. There are a few positions that have to be voted in at the AGM each year to meet the constitution.
Chair - Emily Durling I have three daughters who have thrived at St Lawrence. Esmé has now gone on to Tonbridge Grammar, Ana is Y6 and Isla is Y1. Esmé was the first year group to benefit from the brand new Ash Class and so we have always been aware of how much the PTA fundraising enriches the children's lives. I hope that in my time as Chair I will be able to continue to draw together our wonderful community and get every parent and child feeling they have a voice and a role in supporting our wonderful school. |
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Deputy Chair - To be confirmed
Treasurer - Lee Manzi Father to Rosabella (Now at secondary School), Luca (year 6) and Arlo (Year 3) Thrilled to be part of the PTA and contribute to the vital work it does in supporting our children?s educational experience and resources. ?Ever tightening school budgets means our support is needed more than ever before. |
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Secretary - Camilla Edginton I have two daughters at St Lawrence: Charlotte in Year 3 and Miranda in Year 1. The PTA have a done a fantastic job helping the school over the years with various projects and I am keen for this wonderful school to continue to get the support it needs to make our children’s time at school even better. |
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Teacher rep - Mrs McLauchlan Assistant Headteacher and class teacher in Beech Class (year 5 &6). I have worked at St Lawrence since 2002 and am so proud of the way our little school in the woods has grown in both size and reputation over the last 19 years. The fund raising done by the PTA ensures that our children continue to receive a rounded and full educational experience in times of increasing budgetary constraint. |
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Rob Vosper Father to Celia-Rose (year 4) and Hettie (Year 1). Its a pleasure to have joined the PTA, and to be part of the remarkable St Lawrence community. I hope to contribute in a way that enriches not only our childrens' school experiences today, but also those fortunate enough to call St Lawrence Primary their school in the future. |
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Nick Milnes I live in Wrotham, and have a son Ted (Year 1) and Sebastian (Year R). I'm looking forward to helping the vital work undertaken by the PTA in assisting the school in projects and endeavours that will benefit everyone involved in the school. |
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What do we do?
- Meet every half term in a local pub to socialise and gather ideas from as many of you as possible. All parents, grandparents of St Lawrence pupils are welcome. The more the merrier!
- Organise a range of fundraising events each year
Examples include:
- Sponsorship events ? Hever Triathlon, pupil spelling challenge, matchbox challenge
- 5p challenge
- Kids clubs ? Star gazing/film afternoons/country rambles
- One main evening social event each year for parents
- Christmas fayres, Secret Santa and many Christmas related activities
- Refreshments at all school events
- Organise the ?name bricks? on the school hall wall
- Run the 150 club (school lottery comprising of regular monthly donations via direct debit)
How YOU can get involved
- Come and join in at the next meeting
- Tell us about your brilliant fundraising ideas
- Volunteer to lead/help at any event (baking a cake, running a stall, helping at kids club etc)
- Tell us what we are doing wrong - that helps too!
- Make a donation (see below)
Ways to donate
- Buy a personalised named brick to be displayed on school wall click here.
- Donate via the St Lawrence Development fund click here
- School Lottery click here
- labels for school uniform - see below:
and support our fundraising efforts for equipment and resources to enhance our children's education experience and the school's facilities.?
St Lawrence PTA
Sort Code: 405240
Account number: 00060364
Other easy ways to help on a regular basis
Remember to use the easyfundraising link when you buy anything online! Visit to raise extra funds every time you spend! You can make 50p for every Sainsburys online order.
Contact: Joanna Wood (Secretary), 07889 999146
PTA minutes to AGM 10 November 2021