Harvest Festival 2024

This year's Harvest Festival Service will take place on Thursday 24th October at 9.15am in St. Lawrence Church. The service will last about 40 minutes and you are all very welcome to attend.


This year we will be collecting items for the Sevenoaks Foodbank who do so much to support local families throughout the year. We are asking for specific donations for each class (as requested by the foodbank) although, in reality, we would be happy to accept any items you feel you can donate. 


Ash Class -  Biscuits, Coffee

Chestnut Class - Deodrant and Shower Gel

Oak Class - Tinned Food (but not chicken in white sauce please)

Beech Class - Breakfast Cereals (but not cornflakes please)


Further information about the work of the Sevenoaks Foodbank can be found here: https://sevenoaksfoodbank.co.uk/


We will be collecting items at school between 18th October - 24th October. 


Many thanks for any support you can give,