Welcome to Oak Class               Year 3/4


 Mrs. Woodhouse is the class teacher for Oak Class Monday-Thursday with Mrs McLauchlan on a Friday. Mrs Hilton, Mrs Allaway and Miss Holdstock  are Oak Class teaching assistants.           


oak tree





Welcome back to Term 3! 
Happy New Year to you all.
This week we welcome our new TA Mrs Hilton who will be supporting Oak Class on Mon-Thur mornings. 
We would all like to take the opportunity to say, 'Thank You' for the wonderful food hampers and gifts that we received for Christmas. It was very kind of you all. 
In this cold weather, please ensure your child comes to school with a coat, hat, gloves and a change of field shoes. 
on our return this term, we were notified that our Year 3s have been lucky enough to be invited to visit Sevenoaks school on Thursday afternoons to take part in practical DT sessions. They will need to be dropped at Sevenoaks School by 1.30pm and collected at 2.40pm from Dukes Meadow Carpark. 
Next term Year 4 will be attending. 



WEekly Spellings -

Children will be given spellings on a Tuesday during our spelling lesson. They will bring home a copy of them to learn. These will be tested the following Tuesday.   Please do help support your child with spelling practice at home. 

Please see attached handy tips for learning your spellings Here.

Spelling Ideas





This term we will be studing the book Escape from Pompeii. We will be learning to use fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses in our descriptive writing centred around the book. CHildren will have the opportunities to write in character as well as writing setting descriptions. 


 We encourage all children to read for 20  minutes a day. There is a reccomended reading list on the school website.  Children are welcome to borrow books from the class reading corner to enjoy at home but please do remember to return them once finished as our reding area is looking a little sparce in some areas.  Some children will be given a levelled reading book to read at home too. please ensure these are read through and discussed at least twice before returning to exchange them. 



This term our attention turns to multiplication and division. We will be looking at the relationship between the two operations and applying written methods to multiply and divide. Including a focus on the 4 and 8 times tables for Year 3 and the x8,x6,x7 and x9 for Year 4. 

Times Tables:


All children in Oak class will benefit from continuous practice of their times tables at home. Please support the children to try and practise these regularly throughout the week.  There are plenty of games on purple mash, and on the sites below. In addition, there are wonderful songs on youtube that we use in class, ask your child to show them to you so you can all sing along at home! Perhaps, when you're in the car/walking to school you could quiz your child. There are so many ways to practise, but the children will only know them off by heart if they do practise them! 

Year 3 are expected to know their x2 x3 x4 x5 x8 x10 by the end of the year. We will revise x3 first and then move onto x 4. 

Year 4 will have the Multiplication Check in June 2025, they  are expected to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 and be able to answer in 6s per question!


For additional maths practise, please see the link below to Topmarks and Maths Frame where there are a wealth of games to aid children's fluency in all four operations along with shape, direction, measurement and fractions! 



This term the children are busy learning all about Rocks. They have discovered that there are three types of Rocks; Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic and have been investigating Rock properties. We will also be looking at Teeth and digestion. We begin by looking at the names and functions of the teeth and then move on to a detailed look at the organs involved in our digestive system and their functions.  

Please come in full PE kit on Wednesdays. Please remember PE fleeces/jumpers if cold alongside a waterproof coat. All Jewelry and earrings must be removed or covered over with microporous tape, which they should bring to school themselves. 

Children do take part in PE in all weathers. 

Year 4 will be attending Forest School this term. Please dress appropriately. 

MFL: This term we will be extending our counting from 10-20 and will be learning how to describe our family members. 

we will be looking at techniques to create a volcano panting and will be creating our own Volcanoes out of clay.
In Computing we will be researching and learning how to present using PowerPoint. The children will create a presentation linked to our Volcano Topic. We will also do some sessions o animation and will create an exploding volcano animation. 
This term our topic is Volcanoes! The children will be learning what causes Volcanoes and how they come to explode. We will learn about the ring of fire and look at risks involved in living near a Volcano.  

Purple Mash 


Maths Frame 


Top Marks