Welcome to
Beech Class
(Years 5/6)
Please ensure your child has:
- a change of shoes for the field.
- a coat or waterproof (we usually try to play outside, even if it is raining).
- a fresh water bottle, a packed lunch (unless school dinner) and a healthy break time snack.
- a small pencil case
- a reading book
- THIS TERM (Spring 1) the children in Year 5 will be doing Forest School on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure they have their Forest School clothing on (it will be cold!) and appropriate footwear every Friday. Thank you.
For the time being, Beech Class will have the following timetable:
Monday - Mr Eaton
Tuesday - Mr Eaton
Wednesday - Mrs McLauchlan
Thursday - Mrs McLauchlan
Friday - Mr Eaton
This term we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks. We will be learning about:
Who were the Ancient Greeks?
Everyday life in the City States
Gods, Godesses, Myths and Magic
Structures, Statutes, Poems and Plays
The Olympic Games
Theories, Thoughts, Language and Law
This term our set text is Odysseus. This story will take us on an adventure with the greatest of heroes - Odysseus - as he battles great monsters, gods and mortals on his voyage home to Ithaca. Through the sequence of learning children discover multiple reasons to make a speech: to make a proclamation, for persuasive purposes, and for personal reflection. They will write in role as Odysseus himself, as well as record dialogue and their own take on a key scene in the style of the author. Following research into the Greek Gods and a variety of ancient Greek monsters, the children will write their own epic adventure story based on their own invented character who encounters multiple trials on their journey home.
In computing we will be learning more about online safety and how to keep ourselves safe online as well as doing some work on coding.
We will continue with our work on fractions, decimals and mixed numbers.
Explore Maths.co.uk for some Maths learning activities, which recap everything we have covered this year so far. Your teacher may have set you some tasks in your 'Live Tests' folder. If you cannot remember your login, please speak to Miss Matthews.
To access Maths.co.uk follow this link:
Explore SPaG.com for some SPaG learning activities, which recap everything we have covered so far this year. Tasks will be set weekly and are in the 'Live Tests' folder. If you cannot remember your login, please speak to Mrs McLauchlan.
To access SPaG.com follow this link:
In Music we will be learning about the music of Edward Elgar as well as learning to read music on a stave in both treble and bass clefs.
Purple Mash:
Explore Purple Mash for some fun learning activities and games. Your teacher may have set you some activities in your 2Do folder. If you cannot remember your Purple Mash login, please speak to Miss Matthews.
To access Purple Mash follow this link:
This term's topic is mixtures and reactions and we will be looking at dissolving, filtering and evaporation as well as looking at the difference between reversible and irreversible changes to different compounds.
In RE this term we are asking the question "How can following God bring freedom and justice?" We will be learning about the life and teachings of Moses
Spellings for this week (due 22nd January)
The rule: i before e except after c (when the ie makes the ee sound)
siege, niece, grief, chief, fiend, shriek, believe, achieve, convenience, mischievous
(due 15th January)
The rule: Adding suffixes beginning with vowels to words ending in 'fer'
referring, referred, referral, reference, referee, preferring, preferred, preference, transferring, transference
Remember if the 'fer' is stressed when spoken then you double the r.
Guided Reading (due 10th January)
Children will come together into groups every Friday to discuss the chapters they have read.
Purple | Green | Yellow | Red |
'The Northern Lights' by Phillip Pullman
Read to the end of the book. |
'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson
Read to the end of the book. |
'I am David' by Anne Holm
Read to the end of the book. |
'The Wolf Wilder' by Katherine Rundell
Read to the end of the book. |