Welcome to Ash Class!

We are Reception and Year 1 and our teacher is Mrs Clark.
Miss Slaughter, Mrs Brooks and Miss Thomas are the Ash Class teaching assistants. Miss Rogerson works in Ash Class on a Wednesday too.

Daily Routine


A teacher will meet and greet the children by the black gate. This is a good place to say goodbye and your child can walk down to Ash Class. They will have 'early morning activities' set up ready for them to access. Snack is provided but your child may bring a healthy snack from home if they prefer. The children will be dismissed from the black gate at 3.10pm. Please let a member of the Ash team know if somebody else is collecting your child. 


 General Reminders:

  • Children need to come into school on a WEDNESDAY wearing their PE kit. Please ensure they wear school shoes with their kit; they can then use their field shoes for playtime and PE

  • Children need field shoes in school (and preferably a pair of wellies) at all times for PE and playtime on the field. Please make sure these are easy for your child to get on and off on their own

  • Please make sure reading books are in book bags EVERYDAY - we change  reading books on MONDAYS but check each day if your child is reading at home


Learning will be shared via Seesaw Learning. Please check weekly to see what your child has been up to.