St Lawrence Church

St Lawrence Church is next door to the school and both were built on church land in 1868. School and church therefore enjoy very strong links.
Our vicar, Revd Serena Willoughby, is of course a Foundation Governor and helps take Assemblies.
For the last few years, the Church Council has provided a special youth bible to each pupil leaving for secondary school. Week by week a different aspect of school life is prayed for at the church’s main Sunday service.
The church building is used by the school for some assemblies, and for major school events (Harvest, Leavers’ service, etc), and for occasional classes teaching something about the church or special parts of it.
Once or twice a year there’s a special invitation for pupils, parents and staff to join the usual worshippers for the Sunday service.
The school hall is used by the church for its Sunday school (held usually on 3rd Sunday of the month).
If you would like any further information about the church or services visit